Nail fungal infection (onychomycosis) requires complex and long-term treatment. Antifungal drugs in broad-spectrum tablets effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms, eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the condition of the nails.
Classification of antifungal tablets
Tablet medications with antifungal action vary depending on the structure and mechanism of action.They are divided into varieties:
polyenesIt quickly destroys fungal spores by disrupting the integrity of their membrane. They are well tolerated by the body and do not have negative effects on the liver or digestive system.
To treat a fungal infection at the initial stage, external medications are used: solution, varnish or cream, hydrogen peroxide.
It is recommended to treat fungus with tablets when ointments, creams, oils, sprays and other topical agents have not given any results.
Effective pills for nail fungus.
The pharmacological market offers a wide range of antifungal drugs in the form of tablets, which differ in the main active ingredient, manufacturer and cost.
Active substance:
- terbinafine hydrochloride
- fluconazole
- terbinafine
- ketoconazole
- itraconazole
- Griseofulvin
- itraconazole
- ketoconazole
- terbinafine
- natamycin
When choosing a medication, it is necessary to take into account the type of fungal infection and the severity of the disease. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to correctly establish the nature of onychomycosis, since many drugs affect only a certain group of pathogens.
A medicine based on terbinafine hydrochloride.
This is an antifungal drug in tablets that has a pathogenic effect on pathogenic microorganisms that cause onychomycosis. Contains the active ingredient of the same name. The product helps destroy the outer membrane of pathogenic fungi, which causes their death.
Inexpensive tablets are used to treat onychomycosis, dermophytosis and ringworm.Main contraindications:
- renal insufficiency;
- children under 3 years old;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- Hypersensitivity to terbinafine.
The drug can cause side effects: headaches, nausea, loss of appetite, discomfort in stool, painful abdominal cramps.
With prolonged use, it is necessary to systematically monitor liver function and stop drinking alcoholic beverages.
The recommended dose is 1 tablet per day. The duration of treatment is determined individually. In an advanced stage of onychomycosis, use is allowed for 8 to 12 weeks.
A drug from the group of triazole antifungal agents.
An effective medicine with antifungal action, produced in various pharmacological forms. The drug is used to eliminate fungal infections, as well as for preventive purposes. Its use is allowed in liver diseases, but under the supervision of a doctor.
Main contraindications for use:
- kidney diseases;
- period of exacerbation of psoriasis and other dermatological diseases of an inflammatory nature;
- the pregnancy;
- individual intolerance to the active components of fluconazole.
To treat nail fungus, the medication is taken once a day for 4 weeks. After this, the dose is reduced to 1 tablet every 7 days. The product has a cumulative effect: after 4-5 days of use, a high concentration of the substance accumulates in the stratum corneum of the nail plate.
To prevent remission, the drug should be taken until the healthy nail plate grows completely.
In rare cases, the drug causes side effects such as nausea, stomach pain, itching and burning in the areas affected by the fungus, and various allergic reactions.
A medicine based on terbinafine hydrochloride 10 mg.
This is an antifungal drug that is very effective against many types of fungal microorganisms. The active substance terbinafine inhibits the biosynthesis of sterols in fungal cells, which leads to the rapid death of infectious agents.
The drug is well tolerated by the body and has a minimum number of contraindications for use: severe forms of kidney disease, increased sensitivity to the active components included in its composition. Approved for use in liver diseases.
For adults, it is recommended to take 1 tablet per day for 3-6 weeks. To cure advanced stages of toenail fungus, the duration of the therapeutic course is increased to 10 to 12 weeks.
In extremely rare cases, it causes headaches, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, allergic manifestations and skin rashes.
A medicine based on ketoconazole.
The substance ketoconazole is one of the most powerful antifungal agents. It is used for systemic fungal infections in advanced and severe stages.
Its use is recommended in case of total damage to the nail plates, which also affects nearby soft tissues. Additionally, the drug is prescribed if antifungal medications for topical use have not given positive results.
Approved for use in liver diseases, but best under a doctor's supervision and regular liver tests.
The drug cannot be used to treat nail fungus in children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as for individual intolerance.
Side effects: attacks of nausea and vomiting, flatulence and abdominal pain, conjunctivitis, allergic skin rashes, apathy, nervousness, in men: temporary impairment of libido.
The recommended dosage for onychomycosis is 1 to 2 tablets a day, depending on the severity of the fungal infection. The duration of therapy is 4 to 5 weeks.
Preparation based on itraconalose 0. 1 g.
The substance itraconazal is used in inexpensive medicines for toenail fungus. Ergosterol inhibits the cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms and has a detrimental effect on almost all known pathogens of nail fungus. Tablets containing intraconazole are used to treat fungal infections, regardless of the location and extent of the lesions.
The drug should not be used in case of exacerbation of kidney diseases, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the active components included in its composition. For liver diseases, it is used during the period of remission.
A cheap and effective drug can provoke negative reactions: the development of dysbiosis, bloating, stomach pain, headaches and dizziness. In rare cases, the medication can cause soft tissue inflammation.
To treat nail onychomycosis, it is recommended to take 1 tablet in the morning and evening for 10 to 12 weeks. After this, the drug is taken in weekly courses with a break of 2 to 3 weeks.
A medicine based on itraconalose.
The antifungal effect of the drug is provided by the active substance itraconazole. For fungal infections of the fingernails and toenails, the medication is taken 2 tablets a day once or by dividing the dose into two doses. The duration of treatment is 8 to 12 weeks.
At home it can also be used as weekly therapy. After taking the tablets for 7 days, take a break of 3 weeks, after which the treatment is continued. For fungal infections of the nail plates, at least 3 courses are required. The tablets are taken in 2 units, in the morning and at night.
The drug is well tolerated by the body. In rare cases, side effects may develop: nausea, constipation, allergic skin rashes, headaches, loss of appetite, nervousness, tiredness, loss of strength. In case of exacerbation of liver diseases, use with caution.
Medication based on itraconazole 100 mg.
The antifungal drug contains the active substance itraconazole 100 mg, which has a destructive effect on the membranes of fungi and causes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. It is a broad-spectrum medication, so it is prescribed for advanced stages of onychomycosis.
The drug should not be taken in case of heart failure or low blood sucrose levels. The medication should be taken with extreme caution if you suffer from fructose intolerance.
For fungal nail infections, it is recommended to take 1 tablet in the morning and evening, 20-30 minutes after meals. The average course of treatment is 2 to 3 weeks. Reception is stopped only after healthy nail plates grow back.
Reception of the drug may be accompanied by side effects: nausea, vomiting, discomfort in stool, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, peripheral neuropathy, skin rash. In some cases, women may experience menstrual irregularities. In case of exacerbation of liver diseases, use with caution.
Medicine based on ketoconazole 200 mg.
This is a broad spectrum drug with antifungal and antibacterial effects. The main active component of the product is ketoconazole, which is very effective against dermatophytes, eumycetes, dimorphic fungal pathogens and yeasts.
To treat fungal nail diseases, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets throughout the day. The exact dosage of the medication is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease. The average duration of the therapeutic course is 12 to 15 weeks.
The drug should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation or for the treatment of children under 3 years of age.
In case of exacerbation of liver diseases, use with caution. Tablets can cause negative reactions in internal organs: discomfort in stool, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, drowsiness, loss of strength.
The use of the drug in men in some cases is accompanied by a decrease in sexual activity and a deterioration in erectile function, which negatively affects intimate life.
Short summary
Effective and inexpensive antifungal drugs, produced in the form of tablets, are used for fungal infections of the nail plates of various origins. They are prescribed when ointments, gels and other externally applied means have not given the desired results.
Broad spectrum tablets are effective against most pathogenic microorganisms and pathogenic fungi. The treatment of mycosis is long and complex; The drug should be taken until healthy nail plates grow back.
Effective antifungal medications.
Do your nails turn yellow and peel, do you have dandruff or suffer from thrush? These are all symptoms of a fungal infection, so treatment is essential. Let's talk to experts about what effective antifungal medications there are and how to choose them correctly.

Mycoses or fungal infections are a very common disease. Fungi usually affect the skin, mucous membranes and nails, but they can also affect internal organs. Fortunately, effective antifungal drugs can cope with almost any disease. The main thing is to choose the right remedy.
How to choose antifungal medications.
A trivial but correct answer is to consult a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe medication. It is very easy to make a mistake when diagnosing yourself, because fungal infections have similar symptoms to many other diseases. For example, the same "thrush" may turn out to be bacterial vaginosis, which requires a completely different therapy. In addition, we must remember that inadequate long-term treatment aggravates the course of the disease.

Fungal nail infections are the easiest to diagnose, although mistakes can also be made here. If you give yourself a treatment, keep in mind that nail ointments, gels and creams do not work, only liquids and varnishes. An important point that many do not take into account is that the affected part of the nail must be removed before applying the medication. If this is not done, the medicine simply will not reach the lesion. If the matrix (the area of active growth of the nail) is damaged, tablet and injection therapy is required along with local remedies 4.
How to correctly apply antifungal varnish
One of the important features of the use of antifungal agents is that the nail plate should be as clean as possible. To do this, fungal deposits are carefully removed with nail scissors. Nails should be cut, washed with laundry soap and treated with alcohol solution.
The varnish is applied with a special brush included in the product kit to completely dry nails. Avoid contact with surrounding skin. In this case, it is imperative to follow the instructions. To enhance the effect of the varnish, it is advisable to wear light cotton socks throughout the treatment, changing them daily, and spacious shoes that do not squeeze the toes.
The most effective remedies for toenail fungus.
Nail fungus requires treatment at the first signs of the disease. The sooner the problem is diagnosed and treatment is started, the greater the chances of successfully getting rid of mycosis with minimal consequences. Even among the most effective remedies for nail fungus, you have to choose the most suitable option.
How to choose an effective remedy for nail fungus.
Treatment of mycosis is a long process. Sometimes a dermatologist offers the opportunity to choose from several drug options from the same pharmacological group. Considering the price of modern antifungal drugs, one treatment usually costs a considerable amount.
Therefore, in some cases, it may be advisable, after consulting with a doctor, to select a cheaper analogue of the drug with the same active ingredient or similar in its pharmacological properties. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is worth taking into account the opinions of patients about the most popular drugs.
Pharmacy drugs for nail fungus are divided according to the method of application:
- external preparations intended for local treatment of affected surfaces (aerosols, ointments, creams, varnishes);
- Internal preparations have a systemic antifungal effect throughout the body (capsules, tablets).
There are many pathogenic species among fungi, and the doctor will determine the exact cause of the disease after conducting an analysis. In advanced cases, the analysis may reveal several pathogenic fungi and each of them will need its own medicine.
How to determine if your nails are affected by fungus
Nail fungus is characterized by inflammation, pain and swelling of the finger, as well as yellowing and crumbling of the nail. The nails appear deformed with inflamed skin and a periungual ridge. There is delamination and fragility of the nail, the fingers look neglected. In advanced cases, the tissue begins to die and exposes the nail bed.
What groups of antifungal agents exist for nail fungus?
Among mycoses there are untreatable diseases with a tendency to relapse. If you violate the treatment regimen and stop the course as soon as the visible symptoms of the disease disappear, the lesion will return in an even more complex form and it will be much more difficult to get rid of.
When treated with any medication, even the most expensive one, you can't get by with just one pill, nail fungus requires time and patience.

It is not advisable to self-medicate, at the first sign of nail fungus it is advisable to visit a dermatologist.
azole group
Antifungal agents based on the active ingredients imidazoles and triazoles have a double effect:
- fungicide - destroys the cells of the pathogen;
- fungistatic: destroys fungal spores and prevents them from reproducing.
These products show good activity against yeasts, molds and yeast-like fungi. Medicines of the azole group are available in different forms: for oral administration - tablets and capsules, external forms - ointments, creams, varnishes, solutions.
Capsules and tablets are taken as prescribed by the treating doctor according to the recommended regimen. Usually this is a continuous course, but another treatment regimen is possible, scheduled for several months (up to six months) while healthy nails grow. Ointments and creams are rubbed into the affected nail plates several times a day.

Before treatment, you must first cut your nails from the root and make a soap and soda foot bath.
allylamine group
Medicines based on allylamines quickly eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of fungal nail infections: burning and itching. The active ingredient is active against fungi of the Candida genus, dermatophytes and molds; the pathogen is destroyed by destroying the membrane of its cells.
Creams and sprays are applied to the affected nails 1-2 times a day after hygiene procedures: nail trimming, soap bath and complete drying.
For local treatment, it makes sense to use drugs from the allylamine group if the pathogen affects less than half of the surface of the nail plates and the matrix is not affected. Otherwise, systemic tablets are indicated to destroy the infection.

The medicine should be rubbed onto the surface, touching the surrounding skin.
morpholine group
Medicines from the morpholines group contain amorolfine as the main active ingredient. The most convenient form of medicine from this group is considered to be varnish.

The varnish is applied to the affected nails and does not disappear for 1-2 weeks, a new layer is regularly applied to the previous one.
Before coating, the affected surface of the nails must be steamed, dried well and degreased. When treating nails with antifungal varnish, be sure to adhere to strict hygiene measures: use only a disposable file, disinfect the spatula.
Preparations from the morpholine group show good effectiveness against various types of fungi, they penetrate the nail plate and begin to act quickly. Until the nails are completely restored, the course of treatment can last from 9 to 12 months.